The lesson “Preventable Disease – STIs” helps the mother/caregiver understand myths about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) an…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Gastrointestinal Diseases” helps the mother/caregiver identify symptoms of diarrhea and dehydrati…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Addictions” helps the mother/caregiver understand how addictions can damage her health and that o…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – HIV and AIDS” educates the mother/caregiver on HIV infection and AIDS. She will learn how HIV is …
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Upper Respiratory Diseases” helps the mother/caregiver recognize the difference between upper res…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Malaria” teaches the mother/caregiver how to prevent malaria transmission within the home and sur…
The lesson “Using Local Resources to Learn About Immunizations and Health Schedules” teaches the mother/caregiver how immunizations prote…
The lesson “The Use of Local Herbs and Local Medicines” teaches the mother/caregiver critical thinking skills to determine the value and …
The lesson “Strategies for Understanding and Avoiding Environmental Hazards in the Home” teaches the mother/caregiver how the disposal of…
The lesson “Disease Prevention and Intervention” teaches the mother/caregiver methods for general disease prevention and disease symptoms…
The lesson “Growing Your Own Food” enables the mother/caregiver to plant a garden appropriate to her home situation and understand the pr…
The lesson “Safe Food Preparation and Storage for Your Family” teaches the mother/caregiver safe food preparation techniques and safe way…
The lesson “Strategies to Provide Clean Water for Your Family” helps the caregiver/mother understand the importance of hydration from a c…
The lesson “Immunization and Managing Your Child’s Health” helps the mother/caregiver understand how immunizations work and their h…
The lesson “Identifying and Seeking Appropriate Medical Treatment for Yourself and Your Child” helps a caregiver identify common conditio…
The lesson “Nutrition Changes in a Baby’s Diet” focuses on when a caregiver is introducing her baby (generally 7-9 months-old) to s…
The lesson “Allergy Awareness for Babies” helps a caregiver identify local foods likely to cause an allergic reaction in babies, identify…
Series - 18 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains 17 Home Visit lesson plans for the prenatal and post-birth period, divid…
This Health Resource is a reference list of codes from the World Health Organization (WHO) for standard injuries. A health worker, implementer, socia…
This Health Resource document contains additional information for preventable diseases in the following categories: Upper respiratory diseases, HIV/A…
This Health Resource contains material from USAID that provides industry standard techniques for controlling diarrhea. The information is designed to…
This Health Resource contains a reference chart of six common STI syndromes. (Note: A syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur together and charact…