Breastfeeding is a foundational aspect of nurturing a baby, providing unmatched health benefits that support their growth and development. This lesso…
Welcome to the Survival Early Childhood (SEC) Program The Survival Early Childhood (SEC) program is designed to empower families in nurturing their c…
Welcome to the Survival Early Childhood (SEC) Program The Survival Early Childhood (SEC) program is designed to empower families in nurturing their c…
The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
Series - 15 Resources
Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old) is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s Global Resource Curricula (GRC) t…
The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” educates the mother/caregiver on how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant mother …
The lesson “Dealing with Trauma” helps the mother/caregiver recognize contextual examples of life/community events with the potential to …
The lesson “Preventable Disease – STIs” helps the mother/caregiver understand myths about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) an…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Gastrointestinal Diseases” helps the mother/caregiver identify symptoms of diarrhea and dehydrati…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Addictions” helps the mother/caregiver understand how addictions can damage her health and that o…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – HIV and AIDS” educates the mother/caregiver on HIV infection and AIDS. She will learn how HIV is …
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Upper Respiratory Diseases” helps the mother/caregiver recognize the difference between upper res…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Malaria” teaches the mother/caregiver how to prevent malaria transmission within the home and sur…
The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” teaches the mother/caregiver about the five stages of grief and the processes for workin…
The lesson “Effective Parenting Methods for Preschoolers and Older Children” helps the mother/caregiver identify characteristics of good …
The lesson “Composting” helps the mother/caregiver identify local materials available and appropriate for composting. She will learn to e…
The lesson “Raising Small Livestock” teaches the mother/caregiver how to safely handle small livestock, local practices for raising healt…
The lesson “Raising Poultry” teaches the mother/caregiver safe poultry handling, wise local practices for raising healthy poultry, and ho…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Animal Bites” helps the mother/caregiver recognize animals in her context that are capable of biting…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Burns” helps the mother/caregiver recognize common situations in her context that pose a risk for ch…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Falls” discusses age-related risks for falls and teaches the mother/caregiver how to prevent falls a…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Vehicular Accidents” demonstrates proper safety techniques for the mother/caregiver when crossing a …
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Poisoning” helps the mother/caregiver identify poisonous items familiar to her culture and actions t…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Drowning” helps the mother/caregiver identify bodies of water that pose a risk of drowning for infan…