Series - 0 Resources
Welcome to lessons on building stronger partnerships for the growth and well-being of children in the Survival and Early Childhood (SEC) program. Thi…
Becoming a parent is a special journey that reminds us of how deeply God loves and cares for us. His love gives us the strength and wisdom to care fo…
God’s love and care for us are evident in every aspect of our lives. Just as God nurtures and protects His children, a mother shows similar car…
In this lesson, we will explore how caring for our bodies is an act of honoring God, who created us with love and purpose. By understanding the impor…
The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
The lesson “I Can Prevent Other Diseases” is part 40 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson te…
The lesson “When Water Is Safe” is part 31 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson teaches abou…
The lesson “I Can Prevent Other Diseases” is part 34 of a 42 part series on parts of the human body, health, and safety. This lesson focu…
The lesson “Manners” teaches children the importance of good manners in terms of personal hygiene and disease prevention. Children name a…
The lesson “Using Local Resources to Learn About Immunizations and Health Schedules” teaches the mother/caregiver how immunizations prote…