The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
The Malawi National syllabus for Intergrated Early childhood Development is a three-part series manual that targets pre school children aged 3-5. The…
The lesson “Telling My Own Story” reminds children of the importance of stories in our lives, as well as the ways and methods to tell our…
The lesson “Parts of a Plant” teaches children about four simple parts of a plant and how plants grow. The children will discuss the jobs…
The lesson “The Local Market” gives children the opportunity to understand more about their local community and local food sources as the…
The lesson “Home Garden” teaches children about food cultivation and the process of having a home garden, including the steps to planting…
The lesson “Local Weather – Drought and Floods” teaches children about their community and surroundings by helping them to identify…
The lesson “Local Weather – Sun and Wind” teaches children about their community and surroundings as well as the weather that occur…
The lesson “Local Weather – Rain and Storms” teaches children about their community and different types of weather that occur there…
The lesson “Local Birds and Fish” teaches children about their community and surroundings by helping them to identify at least two to thr…
The lesson “Local Natural Features” further teaches the children about their community and what surrounds them. Each child will name at l…
The lesson “My Village - City” brings awareness to the children about their surrounding environment and community. Each child will name 1…
The lesson “Sets of Three - Sizes” works with children to develop their ability to compare three different objects and place them in orde…
The lesson “Position Words” teaches children to follow directions using the position words “up,” “down,” “o…
The lesson “Mixing Colors” further teaches children about the concept of color and how by mixing basic colors, new ones are formed. The c…
The lesson “Introducing Colors” teaches children to identify the names of basic primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. Each child will be…
The lesson “Five Senses” reviews the five senses with the children and enables them to identify the different senses and the parts of the…
The lesson “Sense of Sight” teaches children to identify that their eyes are used for the sense of sight. They will be able to name and i…
The lesson “Sense of Taste” teaches children to identify that their tongues are used for the sense of taste. The children will be able to…
The lesson “Sense of Touch” teaches children to identify that their hands and fingers are used for the sense of touch. The children will …
The lesson “Sense of Smell” teaches children to identify that their noses are used for the sense of smell. Each child will identify 2-3 i…
Series - 46 Resources
The Core Curriculum for children between the ages of 3 and 5 includes 45 lessons that work to develop the motivation and skills for children to be ec…
The lesson “Personal Jobs” helps the children to identify some of their own personal interests and talents for future career selection. E…
The lesson “Caring for Plants” will review with the children the different parts of plants and their functions as well as teach them the …