The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
The Malawi National syllabus for Intergrated Early childhood Development is a three-part series manual that targets pre school children aged 3-5. The…
This film is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s Globa…
This film is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s Globa…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
Series - 15 Resources
Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old) is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s Global Resource Curricula (GRC) t…
The lesson “God Made the Colorful World” is part 21 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson tea…
The lesson “I Am Growing Healthy and Strong” is part 42 of a 42 part series on parts of the man body, health, and safety. This lesson ser…
Series - 29 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains 29 additional Group Activity lesson plans, covering a variety of topics.…
The lesson “New Business Opportunities for Mothers/Caregivers, Part 2” helps the mother/caregiver formulate questions to help her analyze…
The lesson “New Business Opportunities for Mothers/Caregivers, Part 1” helps the mother/caregiver brainstorm ideas for new business oppor…
Series - 12 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains Group Activities for Year 1 that bring pregnant mothers, caregivers and …