Series - 0 Resources
Welcome to lessons on building stronger partnerships for the growth and well-being of children in the Survival and Early Childhood (SEC) program. Thi…
In this lesson, we will explore how caring for our bodies is an act of honoring God, who created us with love and purpose. By understanding the impor…
This lesson celebrates the incredible design of a woman’s body, uniquely created by God’s love to nurture and grow new life. Together, we…
The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” educates the mother/caregiver on how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant mother …
Series - 23 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood (SEC) Global Resource Curriculum contains 23 Home Visit lesson plans designed specifically to support a caregiver …
The lesson “Postpartum Health for Mother” builds her ability to tell her labor and delivery story. This lesson also discusses ways to ens…
The lesson “Emotional Health During Pregnancy” seeks to explain how a woman’s body changes during pregnancy (due to hormones), and …
The Lesson “Creating a Plan for Prenatal Care” helps the mother identify common, effective practices of prenatal care and the local optio…
The lesson “Mother’s Health During Pregnancy” seeks to help the mother understand proper nutrition and hygiene during pregnancy. Sh…
The lesson “What to Expect During Pregnancy” seeks to equip the mother to explain human reproduction, as well as list dangerous pregnancy…
Series - 18 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains 17 Home Visit lesson plans for the prenatal and post-birth period, divid…