Series - 0 Resources
Welcome to lessons on building stronger partnerships for the growth and well-being of children in the Survival and Early Childhood (SEC) program. Thi…
Breastfeeding is a beautiful way a mother shares God’s love with her child, nurturing them with both physical nourishment and emotional connect…
Women, especially pregnant mothers and new parents, often face significant decisions and challenges that require wisdom and strength. Embracing God&r…
Becoming a parent is a special journey that reminds us of how deeply God loves and cares for us. His love gives us the strength and wisdom to care fo…
This lesson focuses on understanding and caring for our emotional health, recognizing emotions as a gift from God that help us connect with Him and o…
This lesson emphasizes how caring for our bodies aligns with God’s desire for us to love and serve others well. By prioritizing health, especia…
In this lesson, we will explore how caring for our bodies is an act of honoring God, who created us with love and purpose. By understanding the impor…
This lesson celebrates the incredible design of a woman’s body, uniquely created by God’s love to nurture and grow new life. Together, we…
Welcome to the Survival Early Childhood (SEC) Program The Survival Early Childhood (SEC) program is designed to empower families in nurturing their c…
Welcome to the Survival Early Childhood (SEC) Program The Survival Early Childhood (SEC) program is designed to empower families in nurturing their c…
This is an orientation session to home visits for the Survival and Early Childhood (SEC) program. The Home Visit program is designed to empower…
The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
Early childhood stimulation is paramount for nurturing smart babies and laying the foundation for lifelong learning and success. By providing enrichi…
The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” educates the mother/caregiver on how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant mother …
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Animal Bites” helps the mother/caregiver recognize animals in her context that are capable of biting…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Burns” helps the mother/caregiver recognize common situations in her context that pose a risk for ch…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Falls” discusses age-related risks for falls and teaches the mother/caregiver how to prevent falls a…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Vehicular Accidents” demonstrates proper safety techniques for the mother/caregiver when crossing a …
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Poisoning” helps the mother/caregiver identify poisonous items familiar to her culture and actions t…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Drowning” helps the mother/caregiver identify bodies of water that pose a risk of drowning for infan…
The lesson “Choking and Respiratory Arrest” teaches the mother/caregiver what to do if her infant/ small child is choking. She will learn…
The lesson “Using Local Resources to Learn About Immunizations and Health Schedules” teaches the mother/caregiver how immunizations prote…
The lesson “Teaching Cultural Greetings and Behaviors” helps the mother/caregiver learn characteristics of acceptable and unacceptable cu…
The lesson “The Use of Local Herbs and Local Medicines” teaches the mother/caregiver critical thinking skills to determine the value and …