Breastfeeding is a beautiful way a mother shares God’s love with her child, nurturing them with both physical nourishment and emotional connect…
Breastfeeding is a foundational aspect of nurturing a baby, providing unmatched health benefits that support their growth and development. This lesso…
God’s love and care for us are evident in every aspect of our lives. Just as God nurtures and protects His children, a mother shows similar car…
In this lesson, we will explore how caring for our bodies is an act of honoring God, who created us with love and purpose. By understanding the impor…
The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
The lesson “Cleaning Food, Getting Ready to Cook” is part 24 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This l…
The lesson “I Can Properly Take Care of My Food” is part 21 of a 42 part series on parts of the human body, health, and safety. This less…
The lesson “Cook Local Simple Foods – Part 2” once again helps the children develop the life skill of learning to cook simple meals…
The lesson “Cook Local Simple Foods – Part 1” helps the children develop the life skill of learning to cook simple meals. The child…
The lesson “Follow Recipe Simple Measures” helps to develop an understanding of how to follow a recipe by practicing measurement though d…
The lesson “Cooking Utensils” further develops the children’s knowledge of food sources, but also food preparation. The children wi…
The lesson “Fish Come from Water” teaches children about the where the fish in the community or market come from – the sea, lakes, …
The lesson “Preparing Healthy Menus and Meals” helps the mother/caregiver review knowledge of the different food types: staple, go, grow,…
The lesson “Safe Food Preparation and Storage for Your Family” teaches the mother/caregiver safe food preparation techniques and safe way…