The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
Early childhood stimulation is paramount for nurturing smart babies and laying the foundation for lifelong learning and success. By providing enrichi…
The lesson “God Gave Me a Wonderful Face” is part 18 of a 42 part series on parts of the human body, health, and safety. This lesson focu…
The lesson “Identifying Emotions: I’m Sad” teaches children to identify the emotion of sadness and how to identify actions related …
The lesson “Communication with Your Child-Developing Positive Language and Praise” helps the mother/caregiver define the proper praise fo…
The lesson “Introduction to Your Child’s Emotional Needs” enables the caregiver/mother to identify emotional needs typical of child…
The lesson “Creative Expression Through Art and Music for Older 2’s” helps the mother/caregiver understand how creative expression …
The lesson “Encouraging Creative Expression through Art and Music” enables the mother/caregiver to understand how creative expression thr…
The lesson “Creating a Plan for Toilet Training” equips the mother/caregiver to recognize developmental signs of toilet training readines…
The lesson “Identifying and Expressing Emotions” equips the mother/caregiver to teach her child to identify and appropriately express his…
The lesson “Recognizing your Child’s Temperament as Well as Your Own” helps caregivers understand the various emotional characteris…