The SEC Curriculum serves as a map, guiding individuals and families on a journey toward healthier, stronger, and more resilient lives. Just as a tra…
The lesson “I Can Pick up Small Objects with My Hands” is part 13 of a 42 part series on parts of the human body, health, and safety. Thi…
The lesson “God Gave Me Arms” is part 8 of a 42 part series on parts of the human body, health, and safety. This lesson teaches about the…
The lesson “I Can Do Amazing Things with My Legs” is part 7 of a 42 part series on parts of the human body, health, and safety. This less…
The lesson “Providing Multi-Sensory Play in Your Home” helps the mother/caregiver understand the benefit of exploring the different sense…
The lesson “The Role of Play in Your Child’s Development” teaches the caregiver/mother different types of play, and helps her under…
The lesson “Introduction to Child Development Stages and Growth” helps the mother/caregiver understand the stages of child development fr…
The lesson “Importance and Practice of Pre-Writing and Fine Motor Skills for Your Child” enables the mother/caregiver to explain the impo…
The lesson “Encouraging Creative Expression through Art and Music” enables the mother/caregiver to understand how creative expression thr…
The lesson “Safe Gross and Fine Motor Play for the Toddler” helps the mother/caregiver identify at least three child behaviors that indic…
The lesson “Encouraging Creative Expression through Art and Music” teaches the mother/caregiver how creative expression through art and m…
The lesson “Safe Gross Motor and Fine Motor Development for the Growing Baby” builds on a previous lesson (HV22) and focuses on children …
The lesson “Creating a Safe Home Environment for Newborn / Safe Gross Motor Movement for Newborns” walks a caregiver through a baby&rsquo…
The Home-based Curriculum Toolkit Contents is a list of all the documents in the curriculum toolkit. The documents are designed for use during home v…